
Illustrator イラストレーター

  • Live2Dリギング | Live2D

  • イラスト | Illustration

  • アニメーション

  • VTuberモデリング


Currently outdated, so I'm working to update it! The main portfolio can be viewed on Twitter.

TOS 利用規約

The workflow will proceed regularly as per both commission types; updates will be provided at designated progress points and upon client request.
The options go as follows:
1) updates regularly, 2) updates at a moderate rate, or 3) updates at only the major benchmarks of the project.
Installment-based payments are definitely okay as long as they're completed within 3 months. Progress clips will still be provided throughout this process, but the usable model files won't be given until the payment is finished.
I will do my best to update frequently but also feel free to ask for updates anytime, I don't mind at all ( ´ ▽ ` )

✦ I have the right to refuse any project.
✦ Revisions are free, but any that drastically alter workflow may be subject to an additional fee.
✦ I will require a 2-8 week window to complete a VTuber model upon when I have begun the project, not when the client has taken a slot or has entered the waitlist.
✦ Credit for VTuber modelling needs to be clear and easily found (eg. in bio)
✦ I will share progress clips and the model showcase on my social media unless the client specifies otherwise, in which case the price will be subject to an additional fee.
✦ The source file will not be provided.
✦ Refunds aren't offered once the project has been started; however, if for any reason the commission is unable to be completed, the refund percentage will be determined based on progress made.
✦ Payment must be upfront or made in installments; I will only take it once I'm ready to begin the project.
✦ The price of the commission may vary depending on the complexity. Starting price range will be stated in the information regarding each commission type.
✦ I'll provide progress updates regularly, but feel free to ask for them as well!

平均完成時期 :
ベースプランの内容 :
ヘッド XYZ | ボディ XYZ | 綺麗な目物理 | 髪、衣服、アクセサリ物理
AIUEO口形 | 3つの表情差分 (笑顔、悲しい顔、怒った顔)
オプション(追加料金) :
表情差分 (ベースプラン以上) | ポーズ差分 | アニメーション | 難しいアクセサリー
お支払い方法(優先順) :
Paypal (クレジットカード/銀行振込)

  • 1) In the days following the closing of the application, I will be contacting those who were accepted

  • 2) I will confirm the final quote with the client

  • 3) Invoice is paid and work on the model begins

  • 4) I will provide progress clips and pictures throughout the work process, and adjustments will be made according to any requested changes

  • 5) In the case of rigging, I will provide rig progress files for the client to test and request any potential revisions on.

  • 6) In the case of rigging: once the model is complete, I will provide a .zip of the model for VTube Studio, and I will provide assistance to the client with any adjustments on the tracking settings.

  • お取引の流れ

  • 1. お打合せ

  • ご依頼はDMやメールにてお問合せいただきます。ご予算、モデリング、希望納期日程について詳しくお話しさせていただきます。

  • 2. ラフ

  • お支払い完了、制作を進めさせていただきます。2〜3週間後はモデリングラフ提出します。モデリングラフに表情差分がありません

  • リテイクは無制限なので、変更したい部分を遠慮なく言ってください。

  • 3. 納品

  • 2~8週間後はモデリング納品。

  • リテイクは無制限なので、変更したい部分を遠慮なく言ってください。


Rigging モデリングPrice  値段
Half Body |半身$1200+
Full Body | 全身$1500+
Additional Features プラスPrice  値段
Simple Expressions | 表情$20+
Additional Toggles | 他の差分$50+
Additional Arm Poses | ポーズ系$100+
Additional Hairstyle | 髪型差分$300+
Additional Outfit | 衣装差分$700+
Head XYZX30° Y12° Z20°
Body XYZX20° Y10° Z15°
Eye Physics
Hair Physics
Leg Movement
Mouth Forms12


ご依頼はTwitterDMやメールにてお問合せいただきます (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
It's okay if you want to DM on Twitter as well!